A quick way to randomize students with Google Sheets **Update**

A quick way to randomize students with Google Sheets **Update**

UPDATE October 2020 – Google Sheets now has a randomize range option. I’ve also created a video demonstrating the randomize range option. Use the randomize range option With the randomize range option, it’s a piece of cake to randomize a list of students. Let’s say you have a list of students: To randomize the range,…

Running a Mac on battery? You’ll probably want to switch to Safari

Running a Mac on battery? You’ll probably want to switch to Safari

One of my complaints with my new and improved Macbook Pro was battery life. As I’ve been investigating what I can do to help improve my time on battery, I’ve come up with two different approaches. One is a no brainer, dim the screen. The other is more painful. Switching to Safari. I’ve notice that Google Chrome…

Highlight rows in Google Sheets with conditional formatting

Highlight rows in Google Sheets with conditional formatting

I use conditional formatting for individual cells quite a bit. What’s nice is that conditional formatting can also highlight rows in Google Sheets, which is very possible! Some ways this is useful is when you are analyzing student scores. You can mark rows where the student is proficient in green, where the student is borderline…

Teaching binary

Teaching binary

Here are some resources I’ve found to help teach binary. Why would you teach binary? The binary (base 2) numbering system is the backbone of almost every electronic device on the planet. George Boole and his concept of Boolean logic was one of the most important advances that led to the information age. All of…

Managing checklists in Google Keep or using Taskpaper with Drafts for iOS

Managing checklists in Google Keep or using Taskpaper with Drafts for iOS

In my never ending quest to maximize the amount of work that needs to get done I’m constantly evaluating ways of managing my task lists. I’m currently settling into two systems, depending on the tasks that need to be completed. Google Keep Google Keep is Google’s limited answer to Evernote. While it doesn’t have near…

Group chats with Bindle

Group chats with Bindle

There are tons of way to have group chats, and a newcomer (at least to me) is Bindle Chat. Offering an iOS and Android client, Bindle allows you to create private and public chat rooms based around a hashtag. In my limited testing, it appears to work pretty well, and could be used for various mobile…