Share webpages and resources instantly with Share to Classroom for Google Classroom

Share webpages and resources instantly with Share to Classroom for Google Classroom

Share to Classroom is a Google Chrome extension that allows the teacher to share webpages instantly to a classroom. It also lets you you share resources to Google Classroom.    I was playing around with for this purpose, but Share to Classroom saves the student from having to create yet another account. Plus, the…

CloudConvert has an iOS app

CloudConvert has an iOS app

Yesterday I mentioned CloudConvert as a simple way of converting files, in that case, converting a Google Slides document to a series of graphic images. When I was playing around with CloudConvert, I found out they had an iOS app. I downloaded the app and it works pretty much as expected. It doesn’t require registration, and…

Want an easy way to join in Twitter chats? Check out Participate Learning’s Chat for Twitter

Want an easy way to join in Twitter chats? Check out Participate Learning’s Chat for Twitter

Twitter chats can get very confusing, especially the ordering of messages. I always though Twitter chats were tedious to read since the newest chats were always at the top, so to read, you start at the bottom tweet, read left to right and down, and then have to jump up to the next tweet and…

Managing checklists in Google Keep or using Taskpaper with Drafts for iOS

Managing checklists in Google Keep or using Taskpaper with Drafts for iOS

In my never ending quest to maximize the amount of work that needs to get done I’m constantly evaluating ways of managing my task lists. I’m currently settling into two systems, depending on the tasks that need to be completed. Google Keep Google Keep is Google’s limited answer to Evernote. While it doesn’t have near…

Group chats with Bindle

Group chats with Bindle

There are tons of way to have group chats, and a newcomer (at least to me) is Bindle Chat. Offering an iOS and Android client, Bindle allows you to create private and public chat rooms based around a hashtag. In my limited testing, it appears to work pretty well, and could be used for various mobile…

Three maker apps

Three maker apps

Three Maker Apps to Spark Young Imaginations …Their comments highlight what the maker movement is and isn’t. It’s not about the stuff: the 3-D printers, the soldering irons, the sewing machines, the iPads, or the craft materials. A successful experience is about learning and innovation. The first one, Foldify, works well even with a limited…