Book giveaway, Google Voice Typing, and Mindset – Top 3 posts of the week

Book giveaway, Google Voice Typing, and Mindset – Top 3 posts of the week

First Eduk8me Giveaway – Choice of one of three books Not quite a surprise that a free book giveaway would be the most popular post of the week. Be sure to enter and share your lucky link for more entries. (Also, you will need to confirm your email to enter.) New freebie – Google Voice…

CS Is Not The Solution

CS Is Not The Solution

Anyway, in the case of coding for all, advocates often make an economic claim, one that says American companies will be desperate for new workers to write software, with the numbers often in the hundreds of thousands. Source: CS Is Not The Solution – Assorted Stuff I don’t really know who is talking about the coding…

G Suite features, Google Photos, and CaptureCast – Top 3 posts for the week

G Suite features, Google Photos, and CaptureCast – Top 3 posts for the week

I’m switching it up this week, instead of posting the top 3 posts of the week indifferent to when the articles were posted, I’m switching to posting the top 3 posts of the week that were published that week. No more seeing Highlight rows in Google Sheets as the top post for the week. Four…