How to Make Math More Emotionally Engaging For Students

How to Make Math More Emotionally Engaging For Students

When Jacqui Young studied pre-calculus as a high school junior, she found the experience unexpectedly fulfilling. She didn’t consider herself a “math person,” but pre-calc came more easily to her than it did to most of her peers, and she spent a lot of time helping fellow students grasp the concepts. “It felt good to…

6 Must-Have Creation Tools for the BYOD Classroom

6 Must-Have Creation Tools for the BYOD Classroom

Providing opportunities for students to make and create is essential in 21st-century classrooms. Children of all ages should experience the joy of seeing their work shared and celebrated. Classrooms with access to a variety of different tools have plenty of tech tool options. Source: 6 Must-Have Creation Tools for the BYOD Classroom Don’t look at…

16 Ideas for Student Projects using Google Docs, Slides, and Forms

16 Ideas for Student Projects using Google Docs, Slides, and Forms

As you probably know, Google Drive is far more than a place to store files online. It also includes a suite of versatile creation tools, many of which perform the same functions as the ones we use in other spaces. These include Google Docs, a word processing program that behaves similarly to Microsoft Word, Google Slides, a presentation program similar…

Forget Taking Notes. 2 Strategies to Get to Thinking & Sharing Faster

Forget Taking Notes. 2 Strategies to Get to Thinking & Sharing Faster

While some outdated educators are hung up on making students sit, stare, and copy down their every word (by hand!), innovative educators know there is a better way. At this year’s #NYCSchoolsTech Summit teachers came together to learn about innovative ways to support teaching and learning but they weren’t focused on taking notes. Source: Lisa Nielsen: The…

#b2s 8. Create a daily check off list, steps that need to be done every day

#b2s 8. Create a daily check off list, steps that need to be done every day

This is part 8 of 13 things to do before the first day of school. I’m a firm believer that a checklist, while not the solution to all problems, can be instrumental in organizing an efficient day. Research at John Hopkins University shows the value of a simple 5 step checklist for inserting an IV….

Designing Learning That Matters

Designing Learning That Matters

Deep learning often happens when learners encounter experiences that challenge them to figure something out, explore new information, and create a product. Source: Designing Learning That Matters Student centered, inquiry based, what a great way to learn! Too many students, especially high achieving students at the high school level have lost this spark, and have…

Dealing with disruptive behavior

Dealing with disruptive behavior

It was the last period of a gloomy Tuesday in February. The teacher, a happy, hardworking guy who relished teaching seventh-grade math as much as his students enjoyed learning it from him, let slip an uncharacteristically harsh comment as he flashed through email while students filed into his room. “Another behavior report,” he cursed softly….