Create Penguin Classics or Oxford World Classics book covers for free

Create Penguin Classics or Oxford World Classics book covers for free

Source: Penguin Classics Cover Generator After your students write the next great American novel, the next step is to create a cover. The Penguin Classics Cover Generator is a tool you can use to get that cover. For my example above, I grabbed a picture from Unsplash and uploaded to the Penguin Classics Cover Generator….

Create links to Google Drive Documents quickly and easily with Sir Links-a-Lot

Create links to Google Drive Documents quickly and easily with Sir Links-a-Lot

Source: Sir Links-a-Lot – Chrome Web Store Here’s a neat extension with an even better name. After adding Sir Links-a-Lot to Google Chrome, you can easily create links for Google Docs/Sheets/Slides documents for others to preview or copy. I’ve written before on how to modify the address of a Google Docs/Sheets/Slides document, Sir Links-a-Lot is…

The Create Link Chrome extension helps you quickly copy the title and address of a webpage

The Create Link Chrome extension helps you quickly copy the title and address of a webpage

Source: Create Link – Chrome Web Store I thought that I shared the Create Link extension before, but I guess I haven’t! This is one of my favorite extensions, and one that I use frequently. The Create Link extension does one thing, and that is copy the title and address of the webpage to the…

Using the Share to Classroom extension in Google Chrome

Using the Share to Classroom extension in Google Chrome

Source: Share to Classroom – Chrome Web Store It’s been over four years since I introduced the Share to Classroom Google Chrome extension, so I figured it’s time to revisit! Once installed, the Share to Classroom allows you to push a website out to students or create classwork in Google Classroom from the current website….

Copy and paste text from images in Google Chrome with Project Naptha

Copy and paste text from images in Google Chrome with Project Naptha

Project Naptha automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web. The result is a seamless and intuitive experience, where you can highlight as well as copy and paste and even edit and translate the text formerly trapped within an image. Source: Project Naptha – Chrome Web Store You…