Getting started with a password manager #YouTube
Stop writing down your passwords. When you use a password manager, each password can be unique and secure, with the added bonus that you don’t have to remember it.
Google Sites is a great way to publish a website, but, Google doesn’t make it easy to distribute a template of a Google Site to your students or other staff members. I have figured out one way to easily copy a Google site. This allows you to make a template of the site and then…
Create Google Meet rooms that you can share with your students as links. Students then have one click access to each room.
If you are signed in to multiple Google accounts in Google Chrome, this video will show you how to create bookmarks to directly open a particular Google account.Links: 📽 Bookmark All the Things in G Suite – 📽 Creating Profiles for multiple people using Chrome – 📰 Sign up for my newsletter –…
Do you want to start blogging? Here’s what I would do if I was just starting out.
Sure, Google does a pretty good job of finding what you want, but sometimes it needs a little help. Here are my 5 favorite tips for using Google search effectively.