Learn from Pixar on how to make your own Flipbook
When I was in elementary school, we had workbooks for everything. I created flipbooks all the time in them.
Q&A with Paperless Classroom Innovator Kerry Gallagher | EdTech Magazine As a digital learning specialist, Kerry Gallagher looks for ways for teachers and students to use technology more collaboratively. Students scour the Internet for information daily. Digital Learning Specialist Kerry Gallagher says it’s now part of her job to show students how to better leverage…
You may be wondering, why isn’t the massive influx of technology supporting those who need it the most? Research on edtech points to an explanation of why access is not enough Specifically, Professor Mark Warschaeur (the force to be reckoned with when it comes to researching digital learning) found that “overall, students who are black,…
There are few organizations in the world that can claim more expertise when it comes to storytelling than Pixar. The Disney-owned animation studio is known for its ability to consistently create… Source: Pixar offers free online lessons in storytelling via Khan Academy | TechCrunch Pixar has released lessons on the technical sides of movie making…
Source: 404 Illustrations Since my artistic skills are lacking, I love it when I stumble upon free graphics that I can use. Although 404 Illustrations‘ goal is to provide graphics for 404 pages (those pages that come up when you try access a page that doesn’t exist) a lot of the graphics are generic enough that…
Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum has put over 700,000 digitised copies of its huge art collection online, and is making them available to reuse as public domain Source: Over 700,000 paintings from the Rijksmuseum online copyright free You need to create an account to download the high resolution jpgs, but without an account you can still right-click – save image…
#LearningIs making | Learning with ‘e’s Learning where children create meaningful products, Nick said, is a more powerful way of learning, because they need to negotiate the problems and challenges as they develop their skills to make. This echoes the work of Seymour Papert who argued that the best kinds of learning occur when children…