Learn from Pixar on how to make your own Flipbook
When I was in elementary school, we had workbooks for everything. I created flipbooks all the time in them.
Hacking Instagram Stories in the name of classic literature … By embracing the changing times, we were able to get hundreds of thousands of readers to crack open a timeless novel. Proving the best stories will always stay with us. No matter how many gym selfies people are posting. Source: Insta Novels These are pretty…
Source: 15 Checklist, Schedule, and Planner Templates for Students I’m more of a fan of lists like this to use for inspiration in creating my own, especially since some of these resources do cost. This is a great list to get started with on helping your students plan and prepare for their workload. It seems…
Source: Free Stock Footage | Royalty Free Videos for Download | Coverr Think of Coverr as Unsplash for videos. There are great looking videos that can be downloaded for free from Coverr. These videos can be used in your’s or your students’ multimedia project to give them an extra panache. And, of course, they can…
This book reaffirms what I have speculated for a while; the majority of schools and districts gauge the effectiveness of professional development with nothing more than teacher surveys. As Guskey informs the reader, “Sadly, the bulk of professional development today is evaluated only at Level 1 [participant reaction], if at all. Of the rest, the…
4 Reasons That Technology Might Not Be Helping Them Learn – I know because I’m one of those “mistake-making teachers.” I’ve taught students of all ability-levels; I’m now serving as an instructional specialist in a 1:1 school district; I’m a parent of three amazing children who, like my students, have very different capacities for learning….
Will technology replace teachers? “Technology will never replace great teachers, But technology in the hands of a great teacher can be transformational.” Erin Klein According to Betteridge’s law of headlines, the answer is no.