According to research from Office Team, 63% of senior managers said their company is “very supportive of their staff’s efforts to achieve work-life balance.” However, only 34% of employees agreed with this statement.
This is a significant change from a similar work-life survey conducted 10 years ago in which 45% of senior managers characterized their company as very supportive, while 53% of employees did.
When Mike Bloomberg, ex-mayor of New York, said he’d like to fire the lower-scoring half of the city’s teachers and give their students to the better-scoring half, doubling the size of their classes but paying them twice as much, he was affirming his belief in a particular theory of learning. For a short demonstration of…
As kids head back to school this fall, which class should they enroll in? French — or programming? Apple CEO Tim Cook told a company conference this year that computer programming should be taught in schools as a second language. Others have echoed that view, arguing that programming should be considered a necessary skill for the 21st century, right alongside…
The implication here — also evidenced by the return of vinyl records and high-quality turntables — is of a kind of back-to-basics approach and even an emotional pining for the technology of yesteryear. The message for entrepreneurs? Those looking to build or expand their software products and businesses might want to take note. Source: Developing…
When I was a child in small-town West Virginia, there weren’t many options for entertainment after school or on weekends: I could walk to a friend’s house. I could watch TV on our 13 fuzzy channels. Or I could read. And so I read, and read, and read—hours and even whole days would pass with…
Every year for the past 15 years the New Media Consortium and the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) have been taking the pulse of where education technology stands among K-12 educators. A panel of 59 experts from 18 countries discussed major trends in education that are driving the adoption of technology, as well as the…
5 things about Google Slides that you did not know. New features in Google Slides make an amazing product even better! Try out these tips. Source: 5 Things About Google Slides You Did Not Know – Teacher Tech Voice typing into the speaker notes is genius! What an awesome way to set up the speaker…