New teachers, pixel art, and a comic – Top 3 of the Week
Google offers two options to students and staff to take your data with you when you leave Google Takeout lets you download or transfer your data. Enhancing student learning through the IKEA effect More evidence of taking ownership increases learning. Quiznetic lets you build interactive formative assessments Tired of Kahoot? Try Quiznetic.
Stephen Colbert warned us when he coined the term “truthiness” for those things that feel satisfyingly true, but have no actual basis in fact. And now we are swimming in it. From a Washington Post piece about brexit: All of this has come about thanks to a world that is increasingly suspicious of experts. Please,…
For the last two weeks of 2021 I will be revisiting past articles. This is a new experience for me because I’ve never done this before! I hope you have a wonderful and regenerative holiday break and wish the best for you and your family in 2022.
I previously mentioned using Gmail filters to quickly create notes or track what you’ve completed. However, what about tasks? Read on to learn how to create a to do list that lives in a folder in your email. Although I describe the steps on how to do this in Gmail, the concept works with any…