Team Drives is coming to G Suite for Education and G Suite for Business customers

Team Drives is coming to G Suite for Education and G Suite for Business customers

Announced last November, Team Drives adds a new way to collaborate in Google Drive. Instead of sharing folders and files from your My Drive, a Team Drive is separate from your My Drive and has some capabilities that simply sharing a folder does not have. The big change with Team Drive is the addition of…

I, for one, welcome our new voice assistant overlords

I, for one, welcome our new voice assistant overlords

Articles about new technologies in the general media usually fall into one of two categories: breathless, this-is-the-coolest-thing-ever puff pieces or those it’s-gonna-kill-you-if-you’re-not-careful apocalyptic warnings. Occasionally writers manage to do both at the same time, but that’s rare. A recent piece in the Washington Post leans toward that second theme by letting us know right in…

G Suite students now have the ability to transfer content to personal Google accounts

G Suite students now have the ability to transfer content to personal Google accounts

Graduating students can now use Google Takeout and copy their content to a personal Google account. File sharing outside of the domain must be turned on, and the tool respects permissions set on the original files. So if a file is set to not allow downloading or the creation of copies, then that file will…

More research into bias in the classroom

More research into bias in the classroom

Although we often believe we act without bias or stereotyping, we’re all subject to unconscious biases: automatic, mental shortcuts we use to process information and make decisions quickly. These shortcuts are useful, but can also subtly and negatively influence our actions. And in the classroom, they can have serious consequences—educators could unintentionally discriminate against some…

Use Write About for digital publishing, writing prompts, and more

Use Write About for digital publishing, writing prompts, and more

Write About is an online writing tool offering digital publishing and sharing, writing prompts, and writing collaboration. Write About – Digital Writing for Classrooms is a comprehensive writing platform for schools. There is a free version for teachers to use with up to 40 students, but there are also several payment options that offer more features….

The perils of classroom clutter on your students’ creativity

The perils of classroom clutter on your students’ creativity

As educators, we’ve spent years attending classes, participating in workshops, going to conferences, and continuing our education. The more we learn, the more we create and collect. Because of the time and effort that we spend developing such rich resources, it becomes challenging to let some of them go. I’ve struggled with this for years….

Helping adults learn new skills

Helping adults learn new skills

When it comes to kids, growth mindset is a hot topic in education. Studies indicate that children who view intelligence as pliable and responsive to effort show greater persistence when encountering new or difficult tasks. In contrast, children who view intelligence as static or “fixed” have a harder time rebounding from academic setbacks or are…

Using Chromebooks for creativity

Using Chromebooks for creativity

Chromebooks have become popular educational devices that are used in thousands of schools across the US and worldwide. They offer an attractive price and can be used very effectively to target many 21st century skills such as connecting, critical thinking, and collaboration. However, one very important skill that we don’t generally associate as much with…