Measuring edtech efficiency

Measuring edtech efficiency

In many cases, there seems to be a tendency to water down expectations when it comes to integrating technology.  During a recent presentation on digital pedagogy for deeper learning I asked attendees to discuss then share out on TodaysMeet how they were effectively integrating technology in their classroom, school, or district.  There was an emphasis…

Screwing up EdTech, TED Talks, Conference checklist – Top 3 for the week

Screwing up EdTech, TED Talks, Conference checklist – Top 3 for the week

5 Common Uses Of Technology In The Classroom & How We Screw Them Up How many of these uses of technology are being used/misused in your district? Ten TED Talks for educators in 2017 You can never have enough TED. My conference checklist – 2017 edition Always something new to try at a conference!

4 browser tips for productivity

4 browser tips for productivity

Below I am sharing four ideas you can implement to your browser, which will boost your productivity. While the below apps and techniques I share below are for the Google Chrome Browser, if you search for the app or process and your browser name, you should hopefully find something comparable. Source: Setting Up Your Browser to…

Just because you are there doesn’t mean you are engaged

Just because you are there doesn’t mean you are engaged

Of course, this isn’t true. Physical proximity is one thing, but connection and intimacy come from eye contact, from hearing and being heard, from an exchange of hopes and dreams. Source: Seth’s Blog: Proximity and intimacy Can we get the connection and intimacy when we are not physically together? Students do it all the time on…

Open source text to speech extension for Google Chrome – Speak

Open source text to speech extension for Google Chrome – Speak

Speak is an extension for Chrome that performs text to speech. You may already know about Speak-It, but it has two issues that may not work for you in your district. One is the fact that is free for non-commercial use only. Does a school district satisfy that requirement? I don’t know. The second is…