The forgetting curve

The forgetting curve

This article first appeared in the Eduk8me newsletter. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to get articles such as this. Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve was postulated in the late 19th century by the German Psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. He tested his memory to see when he started to forget things he has learned. After he…

Twitter for Teachers

Twitter for Teachers

Twitter, like most things in life, can be a good thing or bad thing. I’m going to focus on its strengths and the good things today as they pertain to using Twitter as a teacher. Personal learning network We have people in our buildings that are a good source of information and advice, but sometimes…

Hope endures

Hope endures

This article first appeared in the Eduk8me newsletter. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to get articles such as this. There was a study done in the 50s that found out that rats left unaided in water will drown in a few minutes because they feel hopeless. However, if they know there is…