Whiteboard app for sports
Nightwolfdev over at Dev.to has created a Sports Whiteboard app. It’s pretty limited in its functions, but sometimes that’s all you need. At the bottom of the screen is a toolbar. Selecting a person or a ball allows you to drop that item on the board. Deselecting all of the tools allows you to drag…
Did you know that NASA offers a bunch of free eBooks?
Source: NASA e-Books | NASA This is an amazing resource. NASA has a lot of eBooks covering all sorts of science and history of science. The eBooks are available as .mobi for Kindles, .epub for other ereaders (including iOS), and .pdf.
Scanning documents with the Android Google Drive app
The Android Google Drive app has a very cool feature, the ability to scan documents directly to Google Drive. Now, you may be asking, can’t I just upload a picture of a document to Google Drive? Yes you can, but if you use the scanning feature, it will crop the document and de-skew it so…
Phoshor icons, a comic, and a meme – Top 3 of the Week
https://eduk8.me/2021/05/icons-and-graphics-for-your-multimedia-needs-from-phosphor-icons/ https://eduk8.me/2021/05/moving-outside-comic/ https://eduk8.me/2021/05/start-of-summer-eduk8meme/
Share your gifts
This article first appeared in the Eduk8me newsletter. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to get articles such as this. In Derek Sivers’ book Hell Yeah or No he writes “Obvious to you. Amazing to others.” When it’s time to share our talents, we hesitate. If we know it, doesn’t everyone else? Why would someone…
Create flashcards with Anki
Anki is an open source flashcard app. There are apps for the major operating systems, macOS, Windows, Linux, along with iOS and Android. You’ll notice that ChromeOS was mentioned. While it is possible to sync decks with the OS version to be viewable on the web, this workflow has too many hoops to jump through…