A Google a Day
Source: A Google a Day Here’s a fun Google search activity. When you visit A Google a Day, you are presented with a countdown timer and a question. The quicker you find the answer to the question, the more points you get.
Source: A Google a Day Here’s a fun Google search activity. When you visit A Google a Day, you are presented with a countdown timer and a question. The quicker you find the answer to the question, the more points you get.
The CARDIAC Instructable presented here is not a computer, it’s a device to help you understand how a computer works. You the user will: decode instructions by sliding panels up and down, move the program counter “lady bug” from one memory location to the next, perform the duties of an arithmetic logic unit (ALU), read…
AT GRAVITY SOUND, WE REGULARLY RELEASE FREE MUSIC AND SOUND EFFECTS UNDER CC BY 4.0 LICENSE.IT’S JUST ONE WAY THAT GRAVITY SOUND GIVES BACK TO THE INDIE COMMUNITY. Source: Free Music and Sound Effects — Gravity Sound The music and sound effects is released with a Creative Commons license, CC BY 4.0, which allows you…
https://eduk8.me/2020/01/fact-monster-is-a-reference-site-designed-for-kids/ https://eduk8.me/2020/01/comic-future-hiring/ https://eduk8.me/2020/01/new-in-the-public-domain-for-2020/
Starting on Jan. 1, anyone can legally remix George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, screen Buster Keaton’s silent films, or publish their own edition of Agatha Christie’s whodunnit The Man in the Brown Suit. These classics are among the hundreds of books, films, novels, maps, music, and art created in 1924 that will enter the public…
Source: Fact Monster – A Trusted Reference Site for Kids Fact Monster is a reference site to be used with students in grades 3 or 4 on up. Some content may be usable in the lower grades, but a lot of the references pull from sources such as the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. The site pulls…
He finds that math scores went up by 0.20 standard deviations and English scores by 0.18 standard deviations, and the results hold up even when you control for “detailed student demographics, including residential ZIP Code fixed effects that help control for a student’s exposure to pollution at home.” Source: Air filters create huge educational gains…
I’m not a big fan of yearly countdowns in December. What about posts in December? So, I’m doing my top 10 posts now, and there is one post from December that made the list. https://eduk8.me/2019/02/preceden-a-free-for-students-timeline-creator/ 0x0D Ways to Teach Like a Hacker https://eduk8.me/2019/02/another-option-to-quiet-youtube-df-tube-distraction-free-for-youtube/ https://eduk8.me/2019/01/an-entirely-free-9th-grade-computer-science-curriculum-from-carnegie-mellon-university/ https://eduk8.me/2019/01/workaround-for-verizon-customers-using-remind/ https://eduk8.me/2019/05/play-the-classic-version-of-minecraft-for-free-in-your-browser/ https://eduk8.me/2019/06/google-sheets-has-a-translate-function/ https://eduk8.me/2019/12/get-them-coding-with-tic-80/ https://eduk8.me/2019/09/the-note-taking-app-notion-is-now-free-for-college-students-and-educators/ https://eduk8.me/2019/10/ted-ed-has-a-new-youtube-series-for-kids-about-coding/