A TED talk that discusses multitasking your way to creativity

A TED talk that discusses multitasking your way to creativity

“To do two things at once is to do neither.” It’s a great smackdown of multitasking, isn’t it, often attributed to the Roman writer Publilius Syrus, although you know how these things are, he probably never said it. What I’m interested in, though, is — is it true? I mean, it’s obviously true for emailing at the dinner table or texting…

Latest information on focusing and the myth of multitasking

Latest information on focusing and the myth of multitasking

Here’s what my browser generally looks like: work email in the left-most tab, always open. TweetDeck in the next one, always open. A few Google Docs tabs with projects I’m working on, followed by my calendar, Facebook, YouTube, this publication’s website and about 10 stories I want to read — along with whatever random shiny…

Just how bad is multitasking?

Just how bad is multitasking?

Multitasking is a big part of the modern world. People are constantly doing two things at once; they send emails when they are spending time with their loved ones, they work out while texting a friend and they cook while they check Facebook. However, all of this multi-tasking is bad for your brain. Recent studies…

Optimizing and task switching

Have you considered the high cost of task switching? It probably takes you a little while to stop doing one thing and start doing another with efficiency. What happens when you switch less often? Also: Consider the sprint test. If there’s a task that comes up often, challenge yourself and your team to, just this…

Multitasking is killing productivity

Multitasking is killing productivity

Over the past decade, academic research has increasingly examined issues of multitasking and distraction as people try to squeeze more activities into their busy lives. Prior to the Internet age, some cognition science research focused on how behavior might be better understood, improved and made more efficient in business, hospital or other high-pressure settings. But…