When school doesn’t close for the county fair #Eduk8Meme

3 Things I Wish Educators Knew About their Own Learning | Silvia Tolisano- Langwitches Blog I meet many educators around the world, virtually and in person… Many times, I am still amazed at the resistance to new ideas, change and willingness to apply the learning they expect of students to their own learning. Here are…
Few middle schoolers are as clued in to their mathematical strengths and weakness as Moheeb Kaied. Now a seventh grader at Brooklyn’s Middle School 442, he can easily rattle off his computational profile. “Let’s see,” he said one morning this spring. “I can find the area and perimeter of a polygon. I can solve mathematical…
This article first appeared in the Eduk8me newsletter. Be sure to subscribe to be the first to get articles such as this. In a kind learning environment, participants have access to all of the information required to learn and get better at the activity. Think about sports such as tennis and baseball. You immediately get…
Overcome the evil twin of the learning curve. Source: A mathematical model of the “forgetting curve” proves learning is hard Reviewing information is not enough to remember, time has to pass to reinforce the memorization of the informaiton.