Notification overload

Notification overload

The problem with alerts is that they don’t scale. They create noise. Every time you poke everyone with a bulletin, you’ve taken attention away with no hope of giving it back. Source: Bulletins vs bulletin boards | Seth’s Blog One of the best things you can ever do for yourself is to take control of…

Open offices

Open offices

It need hardly be said that these fads were and are (at best) a waste of time and (at worst) a set of expensive distractions. But open plan offices are worse. Much worse. Why? Because they decrease rather than increase employee collaboration. Source: It’s Official: Open-Plan Offices Are Now the Dumbest Management Fad of All Time |…

The need for conferences

The need for conferences

What I want to say is that in the span of my career little has changed or advanced about the ways of academic conference activity. The very first one I attended in 1992 baffled me– a room full of people watching a speaker at a lectern read slides about the need to change the way…

Chrome OS has stalled out

Chrome OS has stalled out

We live in a world where the Chromebook, and Chrome OS, should be thriving. But increasingly, it looks like Google’s cloud-first laptop platform has hit a dead end, and I’m not sure there are many available detours that can get it back on track. Source: Chrome OS has stalled out



After a certain point in time, I began to realize that if I actually memorized all of this stuff—or tried to—I might be spending all my time memorizing and doing little else. It really begs the question, what is worth memorizing? Source: To memorize or not to memorize? – DEV Community ?‍??‍? When everything is a…

Sometimes you have to tell people what they need to hear

Sometimes you have to tell people what they need to hear

When someone tells you what you need to hear, instead of what you’re hoping to hear, you’ve found something priceless. Source: Deep connection | Seth’s Blog Several years ago I interviewed the for the technology coordinator job in a school district. I was totally happy in my current job, but when the opportunity arose to…

Using the correct tool

Using the correct tool

Seth Godin talks about finding the right tool. The post reminds me of the old adage, when you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When coming up with a solution to a problem, I start with the why. Why are we doing this? Do we need to? Is there something else we…

The value relationship between the teacher (employee) and the school (employer)

The value relationship between the teacher (employee) and the school (employer)

Asymmetrical Benefit Masquerades as “We’re All in this Together”. Source: Good Companies Don’t Ask You to Share. They Make You Want To – DEV Community ?‍??‍? After reading this article I’m reminded of two things. The quote, which I’m going to paraphrase because I can’t find it or the author, “Great leaders don’t force you…