New book, The Case for the “Self-Driven Child”

New book, The Case for the “Self-Driven Child”

We are raising the anxious generation, and the conversation about the causes, and the potential cures, has just begun. In The Self-Driven Child, authors William Stixrud and Ned Johnson focus on the ways that children today are being denied a sense of controlling their own lives—doing what they find meaningful, and succeeding or failing on…

Increased letter spaces increases reading speed and fluidity.

Increased letter spaces increases reading speed and fluidity.

“Generally speaking, our lab is interested in learning about how kids learn to read. More specifically, we want to know how the brain activity of kids that have difficulty learning to read differs from those who are not.” said Elizabeth Sacchi, a doctoral candidate at Binghamton University. “Through some of my studies, I came across…

Easily use Google’s advanced search tools with the Google Chrome extension Fast Advanced Google Search

Easily use Google’s advanced search tools with the Google Chrome extension Fast Advanced Google Search

Google has several advanced tools for searching the web, but, they require several clicks to use. Fast Advanced Google Search is a Google Chrome extension that gives you quick access to these advanced tools. Once installed, the extension can be invoked with an alt-G, with the cursor focus in the Keywords box. From that point on, you can…