Public Domain Day is coming!

Public Domain Day is coming!

On January 1, 2021, copyrighted works from 1925 will enter the US public domain,1 where they will be free for all to use and build upon. These works include books such as F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time, and Franz Kafka’s The Trial (in the original German), silent films featuring Harold Lloyd…

Create Graphic Organizers in Google Slides #YouTube

Create Graphic Organizers in Google Slides #YouTube

Not only can you easily create graphic organizers in Google Slides, but you can also lock items and share the completed organizer with your students through Google Classroom or Google Drive sharing. Other Google Slides help: How to lock objects in Google Slides (two ways, one doesn’t involve downloading graphics!) – 6 tips to make…

How do you onboard new teachers?

How do you onboard new teachers?

In early 2020 I was tapped to design an onboarding program for three new Instructional Designers that would be added to our team in the coming months. I decided to take a multi-modal approach to designing the onboarding experience, balancing consistent, online, low-touch eLearning experiences with high-touch, rich, interactive, learner-centered constructivist activities. Now that it’s…

Create pixel art with.. Wait for it…!

Create pixel art with.. Wait for it…!

Source: Pixilart – Free Online Art Community and Pixel Art Tool Here’s a very cool drawing tool that students can use without creating an account. That doesn’t mean they can’t create account, Pixilart supports creating accounts with Facebook, Twitter, or Google logins in addition to allowing accounts to be created with only an email. Pixilart…