Moving past the marshmallow test to predict future success

Moving past the marshmallow test to predict future success

Kindergarten children whose teachers rate them as being highly inattentive tend to earn less in their 30s than classmates who are rated highly “pro-social,” according to a recent paper in JAMA Psychiatry. In fact, inattention could prove to be a better predictor of future educational and occupational success than the famous “marshmallow test” designed to assess a…

Knowing what to ask is more important than just knowing

Knowing what to ask is more important than just knowing

Fans of Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy treasure the bit where a group of hyper-dimensional beings demand that a supercomputer tells them the secret to life, the universe and everything. The machine, which has been constructed specifically for this purpose, takes 7.5m years to compute the answer, which famously comes out as 42….

Students are not very good at identifying good instructional techniques

Students are not very good at identifying good instructional techniques

What they’ve found is that an approach called active learning (also called active instruction) consistently produces the best results. This involves pushing students to work through problems and reason things out as an inherent part of the learning process. Even though the science on that is clear, most college professors have remained committed to approaching…

A job of the future – scifi authors imagine future threats for the French military

A job of the future – scifi authors imagine future threats for the French military

The French military wants to figure out what its armed forces might face in the future. To help, it’s bringing on a group of people who are well-versed in imagining the future: science fiction writers. The UK’s Telegraph reports that France’s Defence Innovation Agency is hiring between four and five writers to form a “Red Team” that will come…

The next desirable feature of employees? Learnability.

The next desirable feature of employees? Learnability.

Human beings have an astonishing ability to learn, but our motivation to do so tends to decrease with age, particularly in adulthood. As children, we are naturally curious and free to explore the world around us. As adults, we are much more interested in preserving what we learned, to the point of resisting any information — and…

The value relationship between the teacher (employee) and the school (employer)

The value relationship between the teacher (employee) and the school (employer)

Asymmetrical Benefit Masquerades as “We’re All in this Together”. Source: Good Companies Don’t Ask You to Share. They Make You Want To – DEV Community ?‍??‍? After reading this article I’m reminded of two things. The quote, which I’m going to paraphrase because I can’t find it or the author, “Great leaders don’t force you…

Passions can also be governed by fixed or growth mindsets

Passions can also be governed by fixed or growth mindsets

In a paper entitled “Implicit Theories of Interest: Finding Your Passion or Developing It?”, researches shared five studies that examined the difference between people who subscribe to the fixed theory versus the growth theory of interest. They found that people who believe that interests are fixed are more likely to: Lose interest more quickly in areas…