3 rules on not reading off of your presentation slides

3 rules on not reading off of your presentation slides

You’ve been in that meeting. In fact, as soon as you read the title, you knew exactly what I was talking about. You’ve all experienced a presentation where the person in the front of the room stands at a podium, or before a large screen, and simply recites for you a series of bullet-points on the screen….

Video editing with FlexClip

Video editing with FlexClip

Source: Free Online Video Maker – Create Your Video in Minutes | FlexClip Via: FlexClip Looks Like A Great Video-Editing Tool For ELLs, English-Proficient Students & Everybody Else | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… Upon signing in, you get the option to create a new video from a template or from scratch. I decided…

More information on Code with Google, helping students learn to code

More information on Code with Google, helping students learn to code

Melissa Schonig is a fifth-grade English and Language Arts (ELA) teacher at Lynhaven Elementary School where 40-50 percent of students are Latino, and many don’t have access to computers at home. She didn’t know much about computer science, but wanted her students to get familiar with coding because it can help with other skills, such…

Another archive of free illustrated children’s books

Another archive of free illustrated children’s books

Source: Enter an Archive of 6,000 Historical Children’s Books, All Digitized and Free to Read Online | Open Culture This collection may be more of interest to history classes versus primary and intermediate classes. The books look really interesting, I really like Elfin Rhymes (mentioned in the article). Since these books are in the Public…