Twitter for Teachers

Twitter for Teachers

Twitter, like most things in life, can be a good thing or bad thing. I’m going to focus on its strengths and the good things today as they pertain to using Twitter as a teacher. Personal learning network We have people in our buildings that are a good source of information and advice, but sometimes…

The view of US education as seen through teacher resignation letters

The view of US education as seen through teacher resignation letters

As teacher resignation letters increasingly go public – and viral – new research indicates teachers are not leaving solely due to low pay and retirement, but also because of what they see as a broken education system. In a trio of studies, Michigan State University education expert Alyssa Hadley Dunn and colleagues examined the relatively…

Students are relying on libraries to access the cloud

Students are relying on libraries to access the cloud

As cloud computing has become an integral part of the lives of students at public schools, it has increased the importance of a place generations of students have turned to for much more analog learning needs—the library. Both public and school libraries have always been a source of information for students. And while the Internet has undoubtedly…

‘Teachers must embrace new technology or risk becoming obsolete’ | News

‘Teachers must embrace new technology or risk becoming obsolete’ | News

‘In the past I have always said that a computer could never replace a teacher, because learning was based on relationships. Today, I am not so sure’ Source: ‘Teachers must embrace new technology or risk becoming obsolete’ | News Newsflash, the internet isn’t a fad and computers have been in schools for almost 40 years.