It’s terribly confusing, but perhaps no coincidence, that three of the world’s most prominent consumer technology companies—Apple, Google, Microsoft—each boast a “Classroom” tool aimed at K-12 educators and students. After all, what better way to secure a foothold in the market than impressing one’s brand to future consumers at a young age?
The article focuses on Apple Classroom, Google Classroom, and Microsoft Classroom, but the ancillary systems put Google over the top. Apple and Microsoft have a lot of catching up to do to catch up with G Suite for Education.
The actress, 26, famed for her role in the Harry Potter franchise, said she opts out of agreeing to have her picture taken in an attempt to lower the risk of being tracked. Speaking to Harpers Bazaar she said: “For me, it’s the difference between being able to have a life and not. Source: Emma Watson…
A challenge we faced while building SpriteBox Coding, a learn to code game for kids ages 5+, was that the educational component primarily centred around puzzles. However, as we learned with our previous title LightBot, for some kids, puzzles simply aren’t exciting on their own. There were often players who needed a reason for why…
Five years ago, University of Kentucky CTO Doyle Friskney realized that the campus’s classrooms mirrored those of other colleges: Lecture-based halls where students would sit and listen to a professor, with little interaction among one another. Something had to change, Friskney said. “Millennials don’t necessarily like lecture classrooms as well as faculty members do—they like…
Sir Ken Robinson said the current education system is designed to create conformist and compliant students, but this approach doesn’t honor the diversity and creativity inherent in human life. Source: Sir Ken Robinson: How to Create a Culture For Valuable Learning | MindShift | KQED News Our society was built on the diversity of its…
As a parent, it is obvious that children learn more when they engage their entire body in a meaningful experience than when they sit at a computer. If you doubt this, just observe children watching an activity on a screen and then doing the same activity for themselves. They are much more engaged riding a…
The latest update to Google Chrome on iOS has added a QR code reader. Instead of downloading auxiliary apps to read a QR code, Google Chrome can now read it directly. To make it handier for users, the QR code reading function is accessible from a 3D touch, or by using spotlight and search for qr…