Test drive over 200 Linux distributions with only your browser

Test drive over 200 Linux distributions with only your browser

Are you curious about Linux but don’t want to mess up your computer to learn more? What about your students? DistroTest.net allows you to test over 200 Linux distributions with only your browser. What is Linux? Linux is an operating system like Microsoft Windows and macOS. It’s the most used operating system in the world,…

Tab Hover Cards and Tab Hover Cards Images are coming to Google Chrome – but you can try them now

Tab Hover Cards and Tab Hover Cards Images are coming to Google Chrome – but you can try them now

I don’t really know if hover cards are something I really need. But, since I’m a user that usually has so many tabs open that each tab is reduced to its favicon, I’m willing to give hover cards a shot. Once enabled, mousing over a tab will show the page title and site domain name….

Query Wolfram Alpha from the Chrome toolbar with this extension

Query Wolfram Alpha from the Chrome toolbar with this extension

Source: Wolfram|Alpha (Official) – Chrome Web Store Wolfram | Alpha‘s tagline is computational intelligence. When you perform a query or calculation on Wolfram | Alpha, it works a little like Google. Wolfram | Alpha will find the solution to your problem. With the  Wolfram|Alpha extension, you can perform these searches by clicking on the extension…

Full page screenshot in Chrome without an extension

Full page screenshot in Chrome without an extension

Google Chrome has a hidden feature tucked away inside Developer Tools that lets you take full-sized screenshots of any web page. This feature captures the entirety of a page, similar to a scrolling screenshot, without the use of a third-party extension. Source: How to Take Full Page Screenshots in Google Chrome Without Using an Extension…

Google has updated the look of adding links to a Google Doc

Google has updated the look of adding links to a Google Doc

Google continuously iterates versions of Google Docs, but as it does, there are sometimes parts of Google Docs that aren’t update. The appearance of adding links in Google Docs hasn’t been updated with the rest of the app, but this is now changed. Although it is strictly a cosmetic change, it does help students use…

Edit podcasts as easily as editing a Google Doc with Soundtrap

Edit podcasts as easily as editing a Google Doc with Soundtrap

Soundtrap, a music-editing software company owned by Spotify, is launching a new product today that’s specifically designed to make podcast editing easier. The new product, called Soundtrap for Storytellers, is a full, web-based podcast production tool that allows users to record, edit, and master their audio. Its most impressive feature is how simple it’s supposed to…