We can’t bring back the old manufacturing jobs, but we can prepare for what’s next

We can’t bring back the old manufacturing jobs, but we can prepare for what’s next

Manufacturing jobs were a huge part of America’s post-World War II economic miracle. In the early 1980’s, 20 million Americans worked in factories, assembling consumer products like cars and appliances. Well, what happened after that? Source: Those jobs are gone forever. Let’s gear up for what’s next If you are wondering about manufacturing jobs and what’s…

15 more edtech trends for 2017

15 more edtech trends for 2017

With every new year comes new ideas. To get a glimpse into what the next 12 months will hold for everything from professional development to digital learning, and from communication to virtual real… Source: 15 hot edtech trends for 2017 Instead of one person’s opinion, this article lists the responses from several people in the…

Big things for 2017?

Big things for 2017?

What a mundane list. Online hand-in is the next big thing? Really? A thinner, screen? Is this what excitement over educational technology has come to – more surveillance cameras? Source: The next big thing(s) My idea for the next big thing? When technology is viewed as a integral component in allowing students to pursue their passion and…

What jobs will be available in 30 years?

What jobs will be available in 30 years?

For example, robot journalists in the Associated Press wrote thousands of stories last year, mostly about listed companies’ earnings and sports news. The automated technology has proved to be highly accurate in reporting on standardized topics, and was extremely fast. A report on a listed firm’s results could be churned out in a second. AP’s…

Computer vision systems in the classroom of 2050

Computer vision systems in the classroom of 2050

An interesting use of computer vision and machine learning to generate metadata about student engagement. This could (should|will) be used for more than just lecturing, and what if students had access to their own data? This could be a powerful tool to support self-reflection on teaching and learning… Source: Charlene Chin – Will this be the…